Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome to thelauragirl's book blog.

As the title implies, this blog will be all about books. Not just any books, but books I am reading or have recently read or read and loved. 

For a long time, I've wanted a space to record my readings. It's great to be able to look back and recapture what it was you liked about a book (or even to just remember that you've read it!) I tried a notebook but kept getting hand cramps. I tried keeping a file on my computer, but it was too boring. Perhaps the thought of an audience will make this more interesting. We shall see...

So what do I read anyway?

Only interesting things of course, but of course that goes without saying :-)

I will be upfront and confess I am not a big nonfiction reader. I find the format of most nonfiction books completely disengaging and as for biographies - huh, what makes people think they're interesting enough to warrant a whole book (and even if they are interesting, can they write?!?) Nope, nonfiction is not for me.

So fiction it is. I read fiction in all kinds of genres, including fantasy, drama, sci-fi, classics, horror, young adult and junior. I definitely lean towards the literary end of fiction, although I do on occasion enjoy a 'junk food for the mind' kind of book. When I can find my camera I will post a couple of photos of my bookshelves at home to give you a better sense of what I read.

Okay, that's it from me for now. Before I go, to give you an idea of my reading here is a list of the books I have recently read: 
  • The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
  • The Household Guide to Dying
  • Heart Shaped Box
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain
  • The Spare Room
I plan to include thoughts on these in my upcoming posts, so stay tuned...

1 comment:

KP said...

Hi laura - what a good idea - I really need another blog for my reading diary as I'm getting old and can't remember things! Funnily enough while I love fiction, at the monment I am reading 3 non-fiction books at the same time - "don't panic nearly everything is better than you think" which is very entertaining, "Byzantium" which is a fabulously interesting book about the 1,000 year old byzantium empire and "Towards the light" which is about the enlightenment. Cheers karen