Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kenny and the Dragon by Tony DiTerlizzi

This is a wonderful new book by Tony DiTerlizzi, co-author of the fantastic Spiderwick Chronicles. This is a junior fiction book, according to the back for readers aged 7+.

It is a glorious little book about a young rabbit named Kenny who discovers a dragon named Grahame ("like the cracker") living in his field one day. Grahame is a very unusual dragon, who likes architecture, reading and creme brulee. When the town learns of Grahame, a mob is determined to kill the dragon and remove "the foul beast". The story of Kenny and Grahames unusual friendship makes for a very enjoyable read.

It only took me approx 1 hour to read, and was a wonderful weekend diversion. It would also make a wonderful read-aloud book for children. The illustrations are, as you'd expect, just gorgeous - wonderful pen and ink drawings.

A real feast for the senses. Highly recommended!

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